

Sunday worship is Holy Eucharist Rite II. Service begins at 10 am.

Sunday morning worship services at Grace are services of Holy Eucharist (meaning Thanksgiving), which is a form of liturgy (worship) handed down through the ages in the Church and is a service celebrated in two primary and equal parts: the first part is the Ministry of the Word which includes praise and adoration of God, readings from Holy Scripture (the Bible) followed by a full sermon, recitation of our beliefs (The Creed), prayers and intercessions for ourselves and others, the confession of our sins, the assurance of God’s forgiveness and sharing in the Peace of God.

The second part of the service is the Ministry of the Sacraments or Holy Communion, where we remember in liturgical forms not only the Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles, but also his life laid down for the world in his Crucifixion, and the Glory of his Resurrection. We participate in this by receiving Holy Communion, the Bread and the Wine as Jesus shared with the apostles, in which we believe Christ conveys to us his Real and abiding Presence. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion in the Episcopal Church.

Following communion, we give thanks for the great gift we have received and hear the call of God for us to go out into the world to serve in Christ’s Name.