Sermon: April 9, 2023 Easter Sunday

Reading: John 20:1-18

This morning as we stand outside the empty tomb and seek the risen Lord, Jesus calls to us, asking, “Who are you looking for?” A question that is meant to encourage us to probe deeper into our lives and see beyond our expectations and perceptions created by society. It is a question meant to help us work through those things that may block us from recognizing Jesus standing before us.

If it is Christ we seek, who loves all of creation without exception, then we too are to love one another just as Jesus loves us without exception or division. We are to see beyond ethnicity, skin color, or borders on a map. We are to look beyond political choices, gender identity, or sexual orientation and see Christ in the person who stands before us, loving and respecting all people. Jesus knows you and calls you by name, “Come and see. Come, follow me, and believe.”

This Easter, may our hearts be open, allowing us to experience Christ in the murky half-lit places, the shadowy hard places in our lives, and in the world. On this Easter, as morning has broken and the brightness of the sun is dawning, may we listen for the risen Jesus who calls us by name and leads us into a new life, new light, new hope, and a new creation as beloved children of God. May we dare to run as Mary did and joyfully proclaim to the world, “I have seen the Lord.” Alleluia, Christ is risen!


Sermon: April 16, 2023


Sermon: March 19, 2023