Sermon: August 13, 2023

Reading: Matthew 14:22-33

We may not be in the middle of the Sea of Galilee fighting the wind and the waves, struggling just to stay afloat. We may not be trying to walk on water like Peter. But we all face storms in our lives, and we all have the same desire as Peter did to follow in the way of our Lord. As disciples of Christ, we want to do what Jesus would do and represent his love in the world. We may start our day, our relationships, our ministry, or anything else for that matter by recommitting ourselves to God. We begin with the best intentions and full of excitement to follow in the way of Jesus' love when suddenly the storm clouds gather, and we are hit with one wave after another.

We all face different and similar storms. Like the stress of everyday life of balancing work with home, or maybe it’s the difficulty of being in a mutually loving relationship, possibly we’re overwhelmed with one health issue after another, or perhaps we are affected by the poisonous draw of addiction. We all have waves that batter against us which can feel even worse when compounded with the hate and violence that’s on display in the world as children of God are stripped of their dignity.

All of it can fill us with fear, worry, and anxiety. All too often, we can lose focus, lose hope, and even lose our way as our faith is called into doubt by the storm raging around us. It can feel all too real, and it can feel like we are sinking beneath the waves. But it only feels that way because, like Peter, who became frightened in the midst of the storm, forgot he wasn’t alone. We, too, are not alone. We do not have to face the storms alone, we have friends, we have family, and more importantly, we have Jesus Christ the Great I AM.

We were never meant to take on the storms alone. Jesus proclaims to us; I AM with you, do not be afraid. God is with you. And step by step in faith, we are invited to join Jesus and also join him in his mission of reaching out to our sisters and brothers experiencing storms in their lives. We are invited to reach out and share the love of God with those human souls crying in the street, echoing the same cry as Peter, “Lord, save me.”

The good news of the Gospel is that Jesus Christ the Great I AM who moved across the waters in creation comes to you and is always in your life, in the calm, and in the storm. We are reminded we are not alone, and we are loved. Jesus extends his hand to us, inviting us into his boat, and into his mission of shining God’s love into the world so that others may experience God’s all-encompassing love, bringing blessed calm and peace to the raging storm.


Grace Episcopal Church Picnic


Sermon: July 23, 2023