Sermon: Jan 15, 2023

Reading: John 1:29-42

“What are you seeking?” I think there are things everyone has in common that we might seek: a roof over our heads, food on the table, a secure job, health and happiness for our loved ones. Or how about world peace or an end to hunger? These are all worthy responses to the question, “What are you seeking?”

But the revelation given to us by John is that Jesus is the Son of God who takes away the sin of the world. So what do you do with that epiphany? “What are you seeking.” It’s a profound question that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, not only asks the church but each of us as his followers. This question is meant for us to look deep within our very being. It is meant for us to search our deepest yearnings and desires. And hopefully we will answer as the disciples did and ask, “teacher, where do you abide?” And Jesus invites us to “Come and see,” to come and experience the epiphany we seek. The revelation of God’s love will transform us and all we know. It will challenge us spiritually and push against cultural understandings, national loyalties, and political views. It did for the original disciples, and it will for us as we abide and are entwined with God, experiencing God’s love for all creation.

So, the question Jesus asks you is, “What are you seeking?” Do you seek to live as the Lamb of God does, so entwined with God and the Holy Spirit that you are one? Then come and see Jesus. Are you seeking to know the Word made flesh? Then come and see Jesus. Are you seeking to abide in God’s love, to experience God’s mercy and compassion? Are you seeking to behold the light sent into the world that illuminates the truth and the way to everlasting life in God’s heavenly kingdom? Then come and see Jesus.

What are you seeking? 


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Sermon: Jan 08, 2023