Sermon: June 18, 2023

Reading: Matthew 9:35-10:8-23

Jesus told the disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Come to find out they were the ones God was going to use to answer their prayer. When you pray for more love and peace in the world, don’t be surprised when God sends you.

That’s what Jesus is doing today. He calls to you, for you to be his disciple and follow in his footsteps continuing his ministry of love. Jesus asks you to be his modern-day apostle. To be his representative in the world. Jesus asks you to be his voice, his hands, his feet. He asks you to be his heart in the world, demonstrating the love God has for all people.

That’s the mission Jesus gives to us, his disciples, and modern-day apostles. He’s asking us to be the workers going out into the field so that all may find the peace and justice that can only be known through the love of Jesus Christ.

Ordinary people achieving extraordinary things through God’s love. Jesus knows exactly the disciples he needs, and he asks you to be his disciple and follow where he leads. To follow him in proclaiming to all people God’s love, bringing the kingdom of heaven close for all to see and experience.


Sermon: July 9, 2023


Sermon: June 11, 2023