Sermon: March 12, 2023

Reading John 4: 5-42

Just as Jesus knew what was in the heart of the woman at the well, he also knows what’s in our hearts. Jesus knows all we have ever done, our mistakes, and the people we have hurt. Jesus is aware of our imperfections. But he also knows the hurt we carry within ourselves and the scars we bare. Knowing all that, Jesus looks at each of us and says, “You are worthy of God’s love.” Jesus looks at you and says, “I want a relationship with you. I love you.” Jesus offers you a drink of water from his well, and you will never be thirsty - He offers us a drink from the well of living water - cool, refreshing, life-giving water.

And all we have to do to receive Jesus’ living water is to believe and release divisions and human prejudices that encourage us to view others as outsiders and unworthy Samaritans. We must let go of self-imposed human practices and habits that only divide and prevent us from focusing on and truly worshiping God and living into the spirit of God’s love.

God, through Jesus Christ, offers us living water to free us so we and all of creation may experience the beauty and wonder of God’s eternal love. Freeing us from the confines of prejudices that smother the love we are to share with God and one another. May we as children of God, gather at the well and accept Jesus’ invitation to drink deeply of God’s life-giving water and carry with us the living water of God’s love, inviting others to come and see.


Sermon: March 19, 2023


Sermon: March 05, 2023