Sermon: August 25, 2024

Reading: John 6: 56-69

Through his actions and words, Jesus demonstrated what believing in and following him looked like. He showed love and acceptance to those whom Jewish society deemed unworthy and outcast. And you can guarantee that Jesus continues to do the same thing today with our society. Wherever a barrier is thrown up telling someone they are not welcome, not worthy, or not good enough, Jesus is there with open arms, ready to love and receive them as part of his flock.

Christ welcomes the stranger we absent-mindedly walk past, the person on welfare or food stamps, the immigrant and refugee, the bum sitting on the park bench, the strung-out drug addict, the person who just cut you off in traffic, the transgender and gay person, and even the person who has a different political outlook than you do. What is it about these people that remind you of Jesus Christ?

Because, if we claim to believe that Jesus is the bread of life and are to follow his teachings, then we are to love and welcome all people by seeking and serving Christ within them, by loving our neighbors, and by respecting the dignity of every human being.

Like the disciples in the gospel story, we are left with a choice of who we are to serve. Do we turn our backs on Jesus and walk away? Or do we believe, as Peter did, proclaiming that Jesus Christ is the holy one of God sent from heaven offering eternal life and demonstrating God's love, grace, and mercy for all humanity? Because if we believe, then there’s no place else for us to go. We must serve God and God’s kingdom.

Jesus invites us to follow him in the way of God’s love and peace, warning us that his teachings will be difficult and challenging. So, as Jesus turns to you, one of his chosen disciples, and asks you, “What about you? Do you also wish to go away?” How do you answer?


Sermon: September 8, 2024


Sermon: August 18, 2024