Sermon: January 19, 2025

Reading John 2:1-11

John places symbolic hidden gems within today’s passage to demonstrate through his gospel the spiritual reality of Jesus Christ. Today’s gospel is more than a story of Jesus attending a wedding and turning water into wine, it is about Jesus revealing the intrinsic nature of Christ and the manifestation of God’s love for his creation as a foretelling of His resurrection and how we, as children of God, experience the abundance of His transformational love in our lives.

But notice that the transformation in the story happens after Jesus’ mother says, “Do whatever he tells you.” We must also follow her instructions and “Do whatever he tells us.” Jesus has given us the example of what to do and told us how to love one another as He has loved us: by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming strangers, and respecting the dignity of every human being, especially those who society casts aside and marginalizes.

When we do “Whatever he tells us,” we are further transformed into the likeness of God’s love and become instruments in bringing about peace and harmony for God’s kingdom.  

During periods of change and transition, when we feel surrounded by chaos, heartache, and even the stress and confusion of our current political landscape, where we can often feel overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. It is crucial to remember the fact we are embraced by God’s love in his kingdom. Today’s gospel serves as a reminder of this truth, as John recounts how the disciples witnessed Jesus ushering in God’s new age where peace, compassion, and love for one another is possible.

John wrote in his gospel, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” It is now up to us, who have witnessed this light and the coming of the Messiah, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to follow his mother’s instructions and “Do whatever he says” by shining the light of his love into the world so that all humanity may share in the embrace of peace and harmony that is God’s kingdom.


Sermon: January 26, 2025


Sermon: January 12, 2025