Sermon: May 14, 2023

Reading: John 14: 15-21

Jesus was the first paraklētos that God sent, but now that his mission in the world is complete, Jesus asks God to send another to guide, comfort, counsel, and help us. God is sending the Holy Spirit to continue what Jesus did by helping us to align our lives to the will of God by loving all people with agape, the selfless universal love that is unconditional, boundless in compassion, and infinite in empathy.

And yet Jesus says that the world doesn’t receive the Spirit because the world doesn’t see or know the Spirit. Sadly, the truth of his words are evident as the immigration crisis worsens all around the world, and there are those who refuse to help and simply say, “Well, it’s the law,” holding tight to nationalistic ideals and letting people suffer rather than following Jesus’ commandment of showing love and compassion. Laws are being passed targeting the basic human rights of the LGBTQ community. Those in authority claim that they are protecting children, but all their rhetoric and laws do, is harm our siblings in Christ. Racism, along with the fear and hatred of strangers and foreigners, is on the rise with increased acts of violence.

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Jesus’ words are pretty clear. We cannot say that we love Jesus and withhold the same love from our fellow human beings. To love Jesus is to love others; all others. Jesus’ commandment to show agape was not just for our partner, spouse, friends, our next-door neighbor, or those we particularly like. But we are to show the same love we have for Jesus, to the alien, illegal or not, to the stranger, those who are oppressed and marginalized, those we agree with, and those we disagree with.

Jesus says to us, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” So in our world, which doesn’t know the Holy Spirit and is racked with fear and hate, how will we respond? Will we search for common ground and be the bridge between the world and God’s love? Will we seek first the love of Christ in all things and in all people rather than joining in the fearmongering and belittling of other children of God? God has sent the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to guide and support us in showing agape to the world.

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” May our hearts and minds be filled with God’s loving Spirit so that there is no room for hate, only mercy and compassion. May our days be filled with agape, loving one another as Christ loves us so that there is no room for fear, only faith and devotion. And may we, with our hearts enlightened and aligned with the love of God, boldly share with the world the gift that has been given us, God’s loving Holy Spirit.


Sermon: May 28, 2023


Sermon: April 30, 2023