Sermon: May 28, 2023

Readings: Acts 2:1-21 / 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 / John 20:19-23

In our gospel reading, Jesus fulfills his promise not to leave his followers orphaned or abandoned and breathes the Holy Spirit into us. In the reading from Acts, we heard how the Spirit once again moved as it did in Genesis, creating order out of chaos. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul describes the various gifts that are given by the Spirit, uniting all humanity into the one body of Christ.

These are incredible stories that challenge the imagination. The sound of rushing wind. The tongues of fire. Bold preaching. The baptism of 3,000 people in one day. The Different gifts that are given by God through the Spirit to all people, bringing them all together as one community to accomplish incredible things for God’s kingdom.  

Today’s scriptures are stories about the Holy Spirit taking ordinary, imperfect people who are divided by suspicion, tribalism, and fear and transforming them into the body of Christ. They are stories about the Holy Spirit transcending multiple layers of differences and divisions created by humans to accomplish God’s loving kingdom. How many of our differences could be transcended if we allowed the power of the Holy Spirit to reign supreme in our lives?

God has given us all the gifts that we need. God gave us the example of Jesus Christ. He gives us the guidance, comfort, and truth of the Holy Spirit. It’s up to us to allow ourselves to be open and vulnerable to listen so that we may experienceGod’slove through the Holy Spirit, transforming us into the image God wishes us to be, a reflection of God’slove for all the world to see.


Sermon: June 04, 2023


Sermon: May 14, 2023