Sermon: January 14, 2024

Readings: 1 Samuel 3:1-20 / Psalm 139 / John 1:43-51

The challenge for us is to take the time to listen for God’s call and then enact his love in a world that is quite often opposed to God's all-encompassing love. The beautiful thing is that we are not left alone in carrying out God’s call. God is there to help us as we seek and serve Christ in all people, loving our neighbor as ourselves. And as we strive for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of every human being.

It is possible through God’s love for the world and communities to come together and heal divisions. But we must come together, not to convince someone of how wrong they are and how right we are but to invite them to come, see, and experience a love so wonderous and beautiful that they yearn to have it in their lives, allowing us to find common ground in our shared experience as God's children who are called to love one another as he loves us.

God, who knows our hearts and hears our innermost thoughts, continually reaches out to his creation to remove arrogance and hatred, which can infect the human heart. He works to remove the walls that separate us and unite us in bonds of his love. The reality is this: every human being is a beloved child of God who is called to come, see, and experience the beauty and wonder of his love. And Jesus promises that if we answer the call and follow him, we too will see even greater things as we are transformed into the image of his radiant love.

So, are you willing to come, see, and experience our Father’s love?


Sermon: January 21, 2024


Presiding Bishop Curry to Visit Erie on December 9